Wingardium Dogiosa!
#DumbleDoge casts a spell across the Solana blockchain! With the magic of "Wingardium Dogiosa!" and the charm of wizardry, this project combines the loyalty of man's best friend with the enchantment of the wizarding world. A bewitching blend of community power and meme-worthy energy, DumbleDoge has the potential to soar to legendary heights in the crypto cosmos.
Download the Phantom extension from the official website and install it in your browser. Fund it by transferring SOL from an exchange or another wallet.
Connect to a decentralized exchange (DEX) like Raydium or Jupiter. Open the DEX website and click on "Connect Wallet". Then select Phantom
To swap SOL for $DUMBLEDOGE, select SOL in the "from" field and choose $DUMBLEDOGE in the "to" field using our contract address. Enter the amount of tokens you want & press swap.
Verify your transaction status in Phantom under the "Activity" tab. You import the token to your Phantom by pasting in the CA.
More to come!